St. Valentine Prayer Wall

Leave your prayer request below for St. Valentine and our thousands strong intercessory circle to pray for you. May he bless you with what you seek


August 27, 2024

Jehovah Jireh 88

Avatar for Robert Przybysz
Robert Przybysz
March 31, 2024

find suitable loving loyal catholic healthy and fertile partner better job and recovery from some illness ovrecome shyness in talking etc

Avatar for remigius
February 28, 2024

Nathan to fall hard in lovefor me find me really attractive wanna be with me more

Avatar for Miss virgo
Miss virgo
February 28, 2024

Find my life mate

Avatar for Missvirgo
February 28, 2024

Nathan to be more attractive fallin love

Avatar for Lindsey
February 13, 2024

Dear Holy Blessed St. Valentine,

Please Pray to Almighty God to enable Me to soon wed the Beautiful ,Lovely, Sweet, Loving, Wise, Loyal, Faithful ,Kind, Patient ,Generous , Forgiving, Steadfast. Understanding Compassionate, ,Healthy & Fertile Young Woman of My God given choice, Amen.

I Pray this in Holy & humble Faith in Your Almighty God given Mighty Power to intercede between humans & Almighty God .Amen.

Yours in Christ Jesus,


Avatar for Satiyajit Lavan Navaratnam
Satiyajit Lavan Navaratnam
February 13, 2024

Wisdom , Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed soonest under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and an angel of Blessings locate us today as Gods messenger to come and help us resolve it .

May our marriage be joyful as it’s tensed at present and we get to rejoice together with family.

Lastly may our Restaurant Business prosper & sales increase daily

as we know ….Nothing is impossible with Our God


Avatar for anil
January 27, 2024

suitable partner who is morally and financially sound

good health in mind and body

good job

sound decision in all matters

Avatar for remi
January 13, 2024

Pray for Justin R. & Camille D. to solidify and strengthen the ties that bind us together in love. Grant us unbroken trust, fidelity, respect, patience, understanding and always open, honest communication. Justin is deploying with the US Navy. Our goal is towards the Alter in 2026 when he is discharged from Service, and I graduate from University with my Medical Degree. These are the desires of our hearts. Please pray for us in our Journey to be Husband and Wife.



Avatar for C Diaz
C Diaz
November 14, 2023

Black girl or gym girl, urgent for me

Avatar for Thiago Sanches silva
Thiago Sanches silva
October 19, 2023

Asking feverent prayer requests for my brother

1. to have complete Faith in Heavenly Father Lord Jesus

2 to be healed completely from Bipolar disorder

3 To go back to work and start earning

so that there is peace and happiness for my parents

4 to get reunited with his wife and kid

5. divine wisdom and divine guidance to do his job and suceeed in life

Heavenly Father Might Saviour Hear my prayers and grant my requests for my brother and save my brother and parents

Avatar for Mrs J
Mrs J
October 4, 2023

That they may realize that even if they do worse than those they judge they can allways start over, stop complaining and look at themselves first, before casting away the ppl they could learn from the most!!!


Avatar for Hugo
October 2, 2023

Pray for my son’s behaviourial issue of Wearing always Mask when not required in Public places

Lord Jesus I beg you to permanently heal my son from this behavioral issue

St Valentine kindly intercede for my son

Avatar for lj
October 1, 2023

Psalm 94 unto all of my enemies, known and unknown, past, present and future and all who stalked me/hacked and watched my phone/internet. Death to their love life, fertility, affection, relationships, friendships, happiness, unborn, food, crops, health, thoughts, memory, joy, will to live, ability to be free, finances. Just like they wanted me may it be on their heads every evil thought and imagination, standing in my way spiritually or physically, legally, through slander and gossip.

Avatar for Vengeance Of The Lord
Vengeance Of The Lord
September 28, 2023

Kindly pray for my daughter to be married by or before 26 with a Godly devoted caring spouse and and bless them with a happy healthy marriage and bless them with healthy kids

St Valentine kindly intercede for my daughter to Lord Jesus

Avatar for Mrs J
Mrs J
September 28, 2023

KINDLY pray for my son to be

1.”Marriage” ready

2. to be married to a Godly devoted caring beautiful Spouse

3 bless them with happy married life and healthy kids

Avatar for Mrs J
Mrs J
April 17, 2023

I don’t ask for blessings for myself, but please keep my family and grandchildren safe. I will give anything to see them happy.

Avatar for Gabriel Collier
Gabriel Collier
April 16, 2023

Please bless me and my daughter with a better relationship. And keep us away from evil. πŸ™

Avatar for Becky Hawkins
Becky Hawkins


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*Disclaimer: Images used for testimonials are a representation of the customers only and not their actual photos. Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.